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Trauma-informed Policy

Having local government that is trauma-informed means having policies and systems that are person-centered, community-oriented, and committed to the overall health and wellbeing of every resident of the County.

Trauma-informed principles include:

  • Safety

  • Trustworthiness & transparency

  • Peer support

  • Collaboration & mutuality

  • Empowerment & choice

  • Cultural, historical & gender issues



All this means is:


I am committed to ensuring safety through preventative work to promote healthy lifestyles and community connection.


I am committed to improving governmental transparency, & accountability - which are the cornerstones of trust.


I am committed to expanding community engagement and making sure the community has as much power in decision-making processes as they can.


I am committed to giving the people as much power as I can - by building local governments that are committed to serving their community, not controlling it.


I am committed to seeing the "big picture" - and that incudes our successes and our failures, and learning from historical mistakes so we can move forward in a way that is more inclusive, more efficient, and more community-centered.

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