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Environmental Protection & Development

Stoney River
Sustainable Energy
Green Roofs

Environmental protection and development can look a lot of different ways - and it has to if we want to have clean air, water, and land for our children and grandchildren. 


Here are some examples of action that local elected officials can take to protect the environment & our community:


  • Promote environmentally-friendly practices - like recycling, reducing single-use plastics, and shopping & eating locally. 

  • Defending local land from corporate developers that look to use the land for their own gain without consideration to the community and environmental impact. 

  • Utilizing local land for more environmentally-friendly development - like alternative energy generation. 

  • Being creative in utilizing existing space, resources, and expertise to intentionally include environmentally-friendly development into every sector of the community - from rooftop and community gardens, to bikeshare programs, and more!

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